
Student attendance at school

Learning Every Day Counts is a diocesan initiative that aims to assist in improving student attendance at school through a shared commitment by students, families, schools and the community.

The Learning Every Day Counts initiative promotes four key messages:

  1. All children of compulsory school age (6-17 years) should be enrolled at school and attend every school day
  2. Schools should promote, monitor, communicate and implement strategies to improve and maintain regular school attendance
  3. Missing days of school impacts on a students’ learning, wellbeing and future employment and life choices
  4. Supporting good attendance at school is the responsibility of everyone in the school community.

Duty of Parents – NSW Education Act (1990)

Section 22 of the NSW Education Act (1990) requires parents to:

  • enrol their child at a government school, or registered non-government school or register them with the New South Wales Education and Standards  Authority (NESA) for home schooling, if they are between the ages of 6 to 17 years
  • ensure their children maintain a regular pattern of attendance at school.

Managing school absenteeism

Schools can assist students to attend school all day, every school day. They use a number of strategies to monitor and improve student attendance rates such as:

  • developing a positive school culture,
  • communicating high expectations of attendance with students and families,
  • monitoring student absences and attendance and
  • providing intervention and support.


The Learning Every Day Counts resources, have been produced to highlight the importance of school attendance. The Learning Every Day Counts resources can be used to promote and reinforce the Learning Every Day Counts message of the importance of attendance at school such as, staff professional learning, student orientation or transition, parent-teacher interview sessions, parent information nights, P&F or School Board meetings.

Resource Links

51±¾É« Broken Bay, gratefully acknowledges the Queensland Department of Education for permission to use and adapt the material from the Every Day Counts School Attendance webpage